Gosh, so hard to choose the thing! How about worrying? The thing is, it happens on its own. I will say that with the changing political landscape my worries are vastly diminished. From now on, when I worry I’ll pull out my French vocabulary cards. A diversion!! How about going to the grocery store? Only small and outdoor markets with plenty of social interaction! Thank you 😊

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Aug 6·edited Aug 6Author

You're right about how worrying happens on its own--conditioning is strong! I think the moratorium lets me witness certain habits, catch them and take a pause or put them down. Sometimes it's not possible. I like the French vocab cards. I might pull out Duolingo. Also, I flirt with a moratorium on Amazon, so there's one. I do like the idea of going to shops just to be around humans. Thank you for your thoughts!

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