Let’s find Beauty in everyday life and unlikely places—and fall (back) in love with the world.

Hi there! I’m so glad you’re here🍭

What goes on at Beauty Hunter?

💫 Defining Beauty your way 💫 Finding beauty hits and moments of awe in daily life 💫 Opening up to big expansive beauty 💫 Miniscule barely-there micro-moments of beauty 💫 Unconditional beauty, impersonal beauty, objects of beauty, things that make you go WOW. 💫 Beauty that glimmers through the hardest, most heartbreaking places💫 Engaging in the playful nature of life (gorgeously pixie-esque!) 💫 Increasing your capacity for… well, life. 💫 Playfulness, irreverence, and questioning everything. 💫 Surprising ourselves.

Life gets demanding, the news of the day despairing, yet beauty is unwavering, and the world inherently playful.

You’re invited to:

🍎Turn on your senses, go outside, and take a long, slow walk paying attention to everything.

🍎While you are prowling for beauty, consider the reciprocity: that beauty is prowling for you.

🍎Have the crap moods, the painful losses, tragedies, and heartbreaks that bring you to your knees—

🍎—and know (even if you don’t feel it) that Beauty is throbbing away in its unwavering largess, there for you when you’re ready.

🍎 Re/Discover what you love, what makes life worth living.

🍎Fall (back) in love with life again

🍎 Be silly, superficial, curious, and follow your fancies and what delights you.

Paid Beauty Hunter subscribers receive:

  • A minimum of one post a week: personal stories and show-and-tells, Beauty Q&As with fascinating humans, coaching-style prompts, fresh perspectives that buck the system, and more. Let’s see what presents itself.

  • Monthly prompts and exercises that you can apply to daily life, that helps you experience more of life through the lens of beauty.

  • Monthly Zoom Salonsconversation gatherings on the third Thursday of the Month, 12 - 1 pm.
    If you are someone who finds these times challenging, feels there is not enough hope and light in the world, or just simply wants more beauty in your life, - you must sign up for her Salons. You will come out changed, renewed, blessed.
    Lusia Moskvicheva, Coach, The Happy Life Strategist

  • Access to full archives of posts and videos

  • Discounts on individual coaching, and workshops. Coming soon: self-directed course experiences.

  • Cost: $80/year or $8/month. Think of this as your screaming-deal investment in your very own beauty-hunting coaching curriculum, and you support our Beauty Hunter revolution and the work that goes into it. Thank you.

Beauty Hunter-Plus members receive:

  • Everything a paid subscriber receives PLUS

  • One 45-minute coaching conversation ($245 value)—anything to bring you clarity, ease, delight, and more beauty.

  • $180/year, almost half off the price of one coaching conversation, and you support the work that goes into our Beauty Hunter revolution over here. Thank you.

Free subscribers I love you! You receive:

  • Two - four posts per month.

  • Comments, chat, and community discussions.

  • Access to monthly salons with a monthly subscription fee.

  • The right to go paid at ANY TIME.

  • Being an important part of our Beauty Hunter revolution and digging into what matters and is fun about being alive. Thank you. xo

The Origin Story of Beauty Hunter

I started Beauty Hunter after the news of the day—pandemics, politics, polemics, war—took my imagination (and nervous system) hostage.

I walked the neighborhood streets amped up on images of a dystopian future, growing more anxious and despondent. One day I stopped beneath the canopy of a glorious Western Red Cedar. Caught in a moment of awe, I received a message: Remember Beauty.  

Beauty Hunter isn’t about turning away from what’s challenging or confronting, but to keep expanding our capacity; to stay present with the world, people, and our own unique awakenings through beauty.

Imagine a life, a community, a world that turned toward beauty and made its meaning and purpose there?

What is beauty?

I define “beauty” as that which exalts the senses and expands the mind and spirit. This year I added, being in life, out there engaging. I could hear the universe calling me, as weird as that might sound (also watched all the documentaries on the Webb telescope, talk about the impersonal beauty of the universe!)

Come up with your definition of Beauty and take it for a test drive. Other Beauty Hunters have described Beauty as: Surprise, Comfort, Serving others, and Beauty as a verb. Anything goes—maybe it’s “I’ll know it when I see it.”

About Me

I’m a writer, coach, everyday athlete, late-marrier, retired party girl, late bloomer, and a grandmother of five.

My personal essays and interviews have been widely published (ELLE, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, MSN, Seattle Review, Hippocampus Magazine). I’m currently finishing a manuscript about the wham-bam surprises of marrying at 49 for the first time in, LATE: MEMOIR OF A MIDLIFE LOVE STORY.

As a coach, I work with creative professionals and midlifers-plus in life transitions, with a specialty in creativity and writing coaching. All of it’s grounded in the beauty of life and human potential.

I received an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University, and my coach training from Erickson Coaching International, in Vancouver, BC Canada.

These days, I live with my husband on Mercer Island, an island in the shape of a foot.

Feel free to get in touch any time, at beautyhunter63 (@) gmail.com


Subscribe to Beauty Hunter

Let’s find Beauty in unlikely places and everyday life. Fall (back) in love with the world.


Writer, coach, beauty hunter, existential traveler, non-dual explorer, art-lover, everyday athlete, swimmer, late-marry-er, lover of the coffee klatch, and adventurous conversations.