Dear Beautiful Friends,
The month of December has always felt like a nice long Friday night of the soul. Just as Friday is dedicated to a week’s rest and recovery, the month of December has, over the years, felt like a month to rest, reflect, and recover from the year gone by—and prepare for the next one.
And yet, just as the darkness of winter rolls in—the temperatures drop, the days shorten, we sleep through alarms and reach for heartier foods (and more often)—we’re asked to crackle and pop with the tidings of the season: put on a sparkly short party dress, flash your holiday spirit smile, shop til you drop, and rumba!
Before we continue, I want to say: If it’s been a rough year, which it’s been for many—you’ve lost someone, the world’s events feel soul-crushing, you’re enduring health challenges, lost your lust-for-life—the Beauty Hunter community is with you. You’re not alone.
If you are going through a tough time and would like to talk, reply to this email and write “I could use a flicker of beauty conversation” as your message, along with your name, and I’ll send you a link to schedule a convo, the two of us, no cost or obligation other than you remembering that the Beauty of life is there for you when you’re ready.
December, the Bittersweet: A Holiday Special
Many years ago, in late December, I called a friend sobbing because the infinite blankness of a New Year was terrifying. I was single, newly sober (nerve endings turned up HIGH), and lonely. I felt detached from everyone and everything. All around me, these Very Important Humans ran around town with their long shopping lists and holiday party events, crying out on repeat how “crazy busy” they were.
All the while, I sauntered down the street jingling the change in my pocket, nowhere to go, nowhere to be.
The next year, I started my year-end audits, and anointed December my contemplative month. So while people ran around town and partied, I sunk into my own sanctuary of reflective coziness. I came to love December, even during the varying emotional storms and loneliness. I had my own beautiful holiday ritual.
And hark, a yearly audit was born
Here’s how I audited: I opened a big notebook, wrote January at the top, and then listed every event, activity, and worth-remembering experience for that month. And I kept going, month by month. Of course, I referred to my calendar and photos, but it was a fun exercise to first see what I could remember, and how I remembered time vs what my calendar and photo roll showed. It became a game, and offered a bit of lightness when I needed it. Some years I took my time; one year, I wasn’t really in the mood for it, and whipped the audit out in a couple of hours.
You are cordially invited to do your end-of-year audit
What I love about the audit is how it answers that age-old question of: “Where did the time go? What am I doing with my life?” If you do one, you will unearth a forgotten event and a surprising little jewel that rolled under the sofa of your memory. Experiences, learnings, personal growths, relationship shifts, a beautiful conversation — all that goes on the list.
If you want to audit together—come to the next salon.
💥💥We’re going to dip in and talk about the year-in-review/audit process at the next monthly salon for BH subscribers on Wednesday, December 20, 12 - 1pm PST— register and join us! The cost: $0.00
I have one more enchantment for you
If you want to take back this last month of the year and make it yours, try this.
For a moment, put aside the cultural/societal/family expectations of December holiday rituals.
If December was nothing more than the final wrap-up month of a year—no office parties, no family gatherings, no present shopping, no forced cheer—what would YOU do with this little package of 31 days (now 23)?
For every activity/commitment you feel is necessary to do, write down one activity/enchantment you want to do this month.
Then, do whatever it takes to do THOSE activities. Put them in your calendar, and block off chunks of time. If If you love crossing off items from a To-Do list, make that your system.